Bubby gave me his advise on Ipe and it work great. I've built 4 now and all were different. What I learned, Ipe/boo back, super fast and sure throws a heavy arrow. Keep the boo thin and taper to the ends, if you don't your Ipe will get thin during tiller in the outer 1/3. also don't go to wide with Ipe. but it all depends on what weight your shootin for. I kept the width out of the fades 2/3 and tappered to 3/8" tips in the last 1/3. work for me.
I backed one with Ash, this one had a lot of zip. Mullet shot this one. One with white oak, to me its not as snappie. the last of the bunch I backed with linen and it was smooth only 48" it was for my granddaughter and the least draw weight, but sure would fling a arrow.
good luck