Very very nice! You do excellent work sir. You should do a build along on how you do the in lays. They are very clean! Thanks for sharing
Will do so on one of the next bows!
Another beauty Simon. Please come to America and bring your bows so we can all admire them in person. 
My plan is to visit US in 2014 or 2015 (depends on the finances). But when I come then with one or two hunting bows! Would be nice if I could meet some of you guys.
Yeah buddy! that's a sweet looking schtick
Is it red or blue elderberry?
This is
sambucus nigra or Black Elderberry. I like this stuff. Here in Germany Red Elderberry is also common, but I have never found a suitable stave - so no idea whether good bow wood or not.
Yes it was worth the wait. This is the sort of bow I expect from Elder, I have since cut some but I think they will have to be shorter. In your opinion, can I get a short bow out of Elder? And how short do you think maintaining a good draw length, say 26 inch?
If you could find a larger stave to make wider limbs perhaps down to 56, otherwise I would go for 60. On the next elders I will try heavy heattreating.
Thank you all for your interest
I'm looking forward to see elders from you guys!