Hi folks,
I have a question about chert. I found a place that is supposed to be a source for Uniontown chert (Local to SW Pennsylvania).. I was unable to find any large rocks, but found a lot of smaller stuff along the edge of the railroad tracks. There seems to be Onondaga chert, at least that is my guess as it is dark gray to black with some white specks in it and it smells like motor oil when I break it. It is not super glassy, but also not dull and grainy. More like very smooth and satin to semi glossy. I also found some very light grey stuff and a few pieces that were chocolate brown with lighter brown and tan ( these were the most glossy in appearance). I believe it might be Uniontown Chert as this is the description for it and the area I was in is supposed to be a major source area for it. My question is whats the minimum size that I can start with and still get a small arrow head from? I am just starting to watch some you tube videos and it seems like everybody starts with really big stuff. The better chunks that I have may be one inch thick and maybe 2 -3 inches wide and four inches long. This would describe the amount of chert in a piece of rock that I picked up. There is limestone or some other material also attached. Am I wasting my time with this? Thanks.