Just went to the mailbox and got my latest issue of Primitive Archer Magazine. Another great read.
A very good article about a recon marine Cpl Walker making a bow in Afganistan using local materials including horn tip overlays and goat sinew. But the article that really got my attention was the story about the Tennessee Classic. I am planning on go for the first time this year and I have talked about it a lot around the house. The article included some photos that I showed my wife, Chris. She recognized some of the cast of characters that was in the article. She remembered seeing Pappy Bagget and Matt Wirwicki at Elm Hall in Michigan in the past. She is not going because of work but remarked as I left the room," looks like you are going to have a good time".
I am really looking forward to this weekend of bow making, flintknapping and shooting.
On a side note I helped open up an archery range at Camp Hansen, Afganistan while working with the Camp Cuervo Archery Club. I gathered bows, arrows, arm guards, gloves and tabs and sent them to a Lt. Penny, USMC. About a month later Lt. Penny sent me photo's of Marines shooting archery equipment at the makeshift archery range.