Slackbunny. I am an aged and gauged bowhunter/shooter and I have literally bought and sold every conceivable arrow carrying device out there. When it all tallies up from my experience, I use a side quiver ( like tournament archers) for fun 3D shoots, plinking, etc. when I am mostly on trails and not in any danger of bushwacking. However, when hunting I gravitate to the Catquiver or centre back. I usually stick to a model 11 or 111 to carry the bare essentials as well for a day of hunting, however, remember when I said the words "bought and sold", well, Yep, I have sold one or two of these guys as well trying out some other new method. For me I still stick to the Catquiver which will carry a couple of arrows with judos, some broadhead arrows and a couple of flu-flu fletched blunt tipped arrows just for fun. I would love to use the back quiver, however, for me, it just didn't work out - too hot, too heavy and noisy and hung up on everything and arrows fell out when I bent over.