Well, I am too young to drive anywhere, I need some arrow shafts, and I have the following for trades-
River cane and plenty of it, about 3/4 inch diam or so. Some 1/2 and 3/8, but not much. I will cut it when you tell me what you want.
Black Locust stuff... varies every week. I love BL, and use it a lot. Most of what I have is around 2-3 inch diam, 38 inches long or so, not good for making bows.

Some 16 ga plate steel, mild, low carbon. I can cut broadheads out if you want them, or some other point. However, it takes me a while, I use a hacksaw, with dremel grinding wheels to sharpen.
Rawhide. Its cattle rawhide, but it has been thinned to about 1/16th inch. 1' square pieces. I can make cord and laces for making bowstrings.
Ash wood, I might make some arrows...
Oak foreshaft pieces. I usually use them to make honeysuckle arrows, but am tired of making those... I want some nice, solid arrows.
the oak pieces are 12 inchesx1 inch diam. not very round.
I will go through my stuff, and add to this list.