Thanks guys.
Thanks randman. I actually didn't sign up for the bow trade lol, sorry to dissapoint ya!
Thanks Jmilbrandt
Thanks Pappy
Thanks for your words Pearl, that's interesting. I guess the bathroom scales just don't like weighing bows lol.

Yeah i'll buy a spring scale, could probably end up handy when i'm tillering bows anyway.
Thanks Dubois, i love these profiles! I hope that bow turns out for ya.
Thanks Simson, yeah all the Serviceberry here is all twisted too. Ya just have to do treat it special, and it can do crazy things! If not it'll chrysal and crack and take a bunch of set lol. But keep trying it, once ya get it figured out it's an amazing bow wood!
LOl thanks Bub. Well i'm jealous of the guys that can pull 200 lbs! I can do 200 lbs in some weightlifting, but i think if i were to try pulling a heavy warbow i'd s**t myself!

I guess this mean's i've been ripping you guys off with the weight of my bows. Really sorry about that, not trying to lie, that's just what my scale's been telling me

. Im glad that i can try building way heavier bows now tho.