Thanks guys!
Yeah it is good training especially for my shoulders when shooting, + all the work it takes to harvest these darn things. 5 miles for 2 sticks usually lol.
Thanks Majsnuff, it's a great wood but it can be tricky getting the higher weights out of them without chrysals.
Thanks Jmilbrandt
Thanks Randman, it's all about the training methods! Somebody can be bulky but if you don't condition the muscles than their pretty much useless lol. One of my assistant coaches knows i make bows and i think he has a relative that does too.
Pearl i use a bathroom scale with a stick that shows drawlengths at inch incraments. I put the string on the top of the stick and pull the bow down. I read the weight. That's the weight of my bow when drawn. (I know it's accurate because i use it to make sure i make my weight.)
Thanks Greg, it is pretty narrow at the arrow pass. But the wood on this piece is very strong so hopefully it won't blow up too soon

Just sneak in at night and cut em

Thanks Coaster!
VMB do u think their too big? I could always narrow them down more. I put a pic in for reference.
Thanks for the comments guys i appreciate it!