I discovered an indoor shooting and archery range in a town about 40 minutes from where I live. I paid a tenner and shot a few dozen arrows from various bows (Samick, Ragim, Bear Paw) and (for me) the most logical next step was to make my own bow and equipment so I went in search of people that could supply me with materials, and people who could help me. I live in Ireland so it's not really an "Irish Heritage Activity" kinda thing but I was very lucky to befriend an English man living in the town I was working in at the time. He'd recently celebrated his 50th year in archery - both shooting and occasionally making bows; though he's got quivers and tubes FULL of arrows!!
He's also helped with instructing my daughter (now 12) in how to shoot a bow, though her interest has somewhat lessened in the last couple of years. She in turn has told her friends "my daddy makes bows" and some of them have expressed an interest in archery as a result.
As my wife will tell you - I'll happily sit, stand or walk with someone (even a stranger) and talk about bows, arrows, curing hides into leather, and other "unusual topics" until one of two things happens - the person is excited about learning something about it... OR (and most often) they're REALLY aggravated cos I won't shut up about this stuff and they're trying their best to escape me