Thank you, everyone for the kind words, it always means a lot coming from this crowd.
Bryce, yes this is the bow I let you try and break.

I'm glad you like how it shoots.
Steve, Thankfully that was an isolated incident.

Oh, and thanks for the stave!
@ Eric, Carson and Brian, I think Brian is right that my nock point is too high. I'm a lefty and was pulling this bow right handed and everything about it felt funny. I'm sure there were a few things I was doing wrong, form wise. I can see what you're looking at when you say that, Eric but I think the combination of the character in the wood, the angle of the shot and the high nock point are contributing to the photo looking a bit off. In all of the other situations that I've agonized over this tiller by myself and with other bowyers it has come out looking and feeling just right.