Well now this bites. I did the aforementioned surprise reflex job on Friday. This morning i did the other limb. Went home at lunch and took'r off the caul (it was cool, and hoping to see 5"), and no springback, but only 3" reflex

The other you can see measures almost 5":

Now that's pretty perplexing. Not that big a deal but it's a little annoying. As they say, wood does what wood does.
Now i need to make a decision to put more reflex in the 3" limb to match the other, or leave it as is and tiller. I may throw some temp nocks on(in a couple days) and give'r a quick bend just until they straighten out . If they straighten out together, that will confirm my suspicion that the less reflexed limb is the stiffer one, and i will tiller as is. If the less reflexed straightens first, then i think i'll reflex it some more to match.