I like cane arrows for their durability. They outlast aluminum in my experience. I don't fool with inserts and use self nocks and hafted steel or stone points with good results. I haven't tried shoot shafts, but would agree that it is pretty quick to make an arrow from wood dowels. The heating, straightening and sanding is what takes the time with cane. We saw up boards and reduce it to dowels with a block plane and make arrows too. I think starting with a board or a dry unstraightened piece of cane and comparing the time involved to make an arrow, there isn't much difference. I find that my cane arrows will shoot from bows that vary in draw weight from 45 to near 60, while my wood arrows are spined more for a specific draw weight bow. That may have to do with it's natural forward of center weight distribution, I don't know.... Cane makes a good arrow and gets the nod in the durability category. The arrows I have made show maybe a slight edge in accuracy going to my wooden shafts, but not enough to quibble over. I have meat in the freezer now from a cane arrow!