I hear you on the guarantee

And that's what the practice is. I need to be able to speed up the process more than what I can do because people want to buy bows from me (working part time in high school, money is hard to come by especially when preparing for college), and the quicker I can get them out the better. I know speed is kinda the enemy of quality, but it's more in the process of roughing out that I loose time than in the actual tillering.
Also, it's not gonna have nock overlays, arrow rests, or even probably a handle wrap. I've never been able to get a bow that wasn't PVC to the 100% finished stage, so it will definitely be more for practicing the final stages of making a bow than for a real head turning masterpiece.
I don't hunt, so weight is a non-issue.
In the end, although I know I'm going against the grain, I'd like to be able to pop these things out a tad faster, and backed board bows appeal to me quite a bit.