Here's just one picture of my first Osage bow. It's nearly complete. It was quite the challenge for a beginner. This is just my 4th bow and my 3rd stave bow. It's not perfect by any means, but quite satisfying since it had all the characteristics that make a build "interesting". Lots of knots, some of them dead, plus lots of whoop de doos, one limb reflexed and the other deflexed and twist. Also, it was not quite seasoned enough and was worm eaten. It came in at the low 40s on weight. I've shot it only 8 times (love it) and still have to redo my string grooves and work down the handle area, then put a finish on it. More pics and specs when it's done. Criticism welcome.
This bow is now complete. A big thanks to Blackhawk for all the tips and advice at the Central Kentucky bowyers gathering (Moontree). Here's the specs: 65" ttt, 40 @ 27", 1 1/4 at the fades.
And a few pics.
It came in a little lighter than I wanted after shooting it in and final tillering/sanding, hence the name.