have some pics of bow socks:

That's fleece, but i'm out of that material. I'm heading off to the fabric store tomorrow to get some more or possibly different designs (up for suggestions) and to look at new sewing machines. My wife has wanted one for a while and after trying it out for myself I agree. We got our current one where we went to college when the theater department had a garage sale. Cost was $10 as is. It is thoroughly worn out...
around the bottom is artificial leather to stop the tips from poking through:

Around the top is a reverse twisted yarn thing to tie it shut:

and at the side is a shoulder strap:

I made 3 prototypes. One holds a 2" wide 6' long bow with some room to spare. I'd guess 3.5" would be the maximum fit. That one also didn't have a shoulder strap, but more of a handle:

Then a really wide one, but then another that was equally wide but with dividers inside:

That's 4 divided areas for bows so they won't rub each other. It's not even and you can see some more sewing problems if you look close enough, but it worked as a prototype.

That's 3 bows and 1 bow stave. The smallest area holds a 1.5" wide bow with room to spare, one of the other bows is 2.5" wide at the fades, another 2" wide, and the stave is about 2" wide. All are near 6' long, and the shot of me holding it over my shoulder has all 4 in the sock. For the "to-trade" socks I will change how I attach the handle, probably not use fleece. I don't want to use the artificial leather either because I want to use that for the bottom tip protectors. I'll take a look when I'm at the store tomorrow. Again, suggestion are welcomed.
For stave length I'd prefer on the longer end since I have abnormally long arms like some sort of monkey and my draw length is 29.5". I'm not picky as to type of wood, just that it works and I can get a full draw (for me) bow out of it.