Oh what a horrible person you are!

Why those poor fish, were
the rare adult, "Black Finned" Coffin Minnow! They would have been spawning now, if not for you and your callous disregard for the lives of those poor fish!

I will have to report you to PETA, and we will have to have service honoring those poor lost souls!

Yes a wake for fish!

We will bring tambourines, small drums, whistles, and we will join hands, in a circle, and wail,thrash around on the ground, and grab handfulls of grass, and dirt, but with no life forms, in it, and scream and wail, why, oh why?!,

and then we will have a feast in their honor. Maybe some hamburger, or hotdogs, or steak, or chicken, but only from the Super Market, and not from a farm, where they kill animals!

Then we can all have a little wine, and toast the poor lost souls, and sit by the water's edge, and watch how the little "Black Finned" Minnows, mourn for their parents,

and then when it gets dark, we will have the naked dancing in the woods,commune with nature, and sing how we are morally superior to you! You prehistoric brute!

Good job, quick and easy.

As for wood rats, and birds, I would handle the rats as little as possible, because of the possibility of the Hanta virus, and avoid breathing the smoke, as the burning of hair, feathers, and flesh, produces phosgene gas,

which is a baddy, for the health and well being of us humans.

I actually read a statement from one of peta's rocket scientists, where she said, " we were at Walden Pond, and we observed a wounded minnow, as it's fellow minnows, gathered around it to give it support."

Uh, if you had stayed a little longer, you would have seen what was really going on! They were not gathered around to give it support, but to see, if it was still able to defend itself, and then they devoured it!


They are out there, and they vote.
