So, today I had an idea. I talked to my wife and she doesnt seem too opposed either. One day a week ( probably sunday ) we will eat one meal that is intirely of stuff we did NOT buy at the store.
Everything in the meal will be gathered stuff. Fish, roots, wild onions, nuts, acorns, berries, starling birds ( taste like duck and legal all year in almost every state with either no limit or a very high one ), wild flowers, and when season comes, a garden will supply much as well.
The goal here is to eventually live as much as possiable indipendantly of the grocery store as we can, and I would like at least 2 days of the weak to be grocery free. This will be a good experinece in learning all the local edibles, serve to be allot of fun in gathering, and put my son and I outdoors more often.
I live in tulsa Oklahoma, and will post my meals on this thread, how they were cooked, and how they tasted. If, that is, anybody is interested?