I've been keeping bees since 2001. It's been a big challenge. You can't just be a bee haver any longer, since the early "80's when traceal mites came in, then the '90's with varroa, now small hive beatle and what ever is next. I have two good hives right now, I fed them yesterday with my boys. I don't wear a suit, and rarely a vail, just smoke em. Make sure you guys are reading up to date books, anything pre 1980's, won't have the pest management issues that you will face now a days. I use a mason jar on top of my inner cover to feed with. The book, "The ABCs and XYZs of Bee Keeping" is a gooder if you can get a hold of one. Bee Fever is a killer, it took me several years to learn to control myself and not get into the hive as often as I thought I needed to. It takes about 10 days for the bees to recoup from a keeper with bee fever.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM me.
Good luck, and have fun!! dpg
Check out the bee venom theorys too. I use it several times a year on my elbow.
I've used it as an ointment on cuts and bruises too, and when I get it there to remove queen cells to prevent swaming, I like to eat the queen cells....

. That's enough for now. I don't want to freak anyone out.