Haven't posted one in a while. Mine are real simple anyways and probably don't impress most here.
Anyhow, here is a Hop HornBeam bow made from a 2 in sapling. Exceeds my 50# scale.
59 in, ntn
55#@26 in
2 in of set
This bow came out
heavier than i wanted! I was eager to finish, and the way i tiller, i use a tillering stick until its bending even at 20 in, then i just scrape evenly along the limbs to reduce the weight.I test the weight by "feel". I had this one flexing in the handle at my full draw and so i called it a day and finished her up with a quick sanding, olive oil, and paraffin wax over that. Now ive shot it a few dozen times, i wish i had lessened the weight a bit. I like about a 40# bow.
My bows are inspired by Badly Bent,Gun Doc, half eye(i cant make em that short man!) and others who like these simple dbows. Im going to try and start making them shorter.....maybe about 56-58 ntn while still using saplings. Something about semi-short sapling bows really gets me.
I'll try to get some closeups later. Sorry the pics arent all that great. Sadly this is the last bow i'll be making for a while. Headed to Basic Training in 10 days.