Author Topic: 90# + MR pattern in ash  (Read 37317 times)

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Offline Asiertxu

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2008, 08:54:21 am »
All the bow you make Jaro ARE EXCELLENT my friend!! >:D 8) :D ;)...especially like your Warbows!!...are perfect...

Nice to see you around again mate.

I磛e built an Elm longbow ,ELB , specially designed for 32" draw length training. Next I磍l hope to do is to finish up that dense Ash Warbow I started more than a year ego

Remember that Jaro??.. :) ;)...

Glad to see you again!!


//Asier from "Basque Country" Spain.

sagitarius boemoru

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2008, 10:21:06 am »
Hello Asier! How are you! This is 120# at 32创 in ash.

Not as good, but not much follow, no frets either.

And this one is sort of 85# at 33创

I like that one best out of three.


Offline akila

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #32 on: April 28, 2008, 08:49:35 am »
Akila : its something like 34X27 mm at middle tapering to 18 mm tips (original taper) and then there is secondray taper something like 18 cm from each tip down to 11 mm nocks.  The ash has SG around 0.85. Hope it helps.

Hrotgar : when I lay this out I start making bow perfectly symetrical and with alot of more wood then needed. That assures that I have to actually struggle to get the weight down, rather than ending underweight. As I tiler I observe properties of limbs and chose the one with weaker wood as upper. Then I position bowyers mark and arrowpass 1创 up from geometricall middle of the lenght of the bow and adjust for slightly positive tiler at the end.

I have made 120# bow from the same wood, though with tiler not so nice.

Hello and thks for your replay.....i just wanna ask you something..again ;D...sorry for this... you say 34x27mm t are refering to mid-limb or to the middle of the bw( at the handle)...and  im curiose whatt cros section do you chose for this type of wood???  you make that clasic D shape..or  you make the belly wider???thks again for your help....i have some ash wood, and soon i wll start working on a bow like this....

Offline Asiertxu

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2008, 06:19:05 pm »
Hey Jaro!!! >:D >:D >:D >:D 8)... ;) :D....

Thanks so much for repiyling mate!!!...REALLY glad to ear from you.

These two last bows you posted are EXCELLENT!!..NO DOUBT!!... ;) :)...

Why do you like that last one best than the other two?..the tiller of this last bow looks like shoots better for flyght shooting because of  it磗 slightly eliptical tiller shape I guess!!...Isn磘 it Jaro?... 8) 8)..

Anyways I like all these ones!!... :)..

Cheers fellow and keep us updated.

//Asier from "Basque Country" Spain.

sagitarius boemoru

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2008, 09:49:37 am »
Akila the dimensions provided are at the handle - which means roughly middle of the bow.All those bows are oval, slightly more rounded on belly than back and somehow more flattish than if made out of yew.


sagitarius boemoru

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2008, 09:57:10 am »
Yes Asier, its because its omehow eliptical and it has best tips. Also very light in mass, though made from dense wood. It hasl best cast per pound from all three.

This is rather small yew bow of 60# at 31创 also somehow eliptic. Made from coarse wood. Does it looks thick! This is only 72创 NTN.



Far East Archer

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2008, 10:35:02 am »
Přiv韙at zp醫ky Jaro!  ;D

I remember these bows, very nice work mate!
I wanted to know, did you heat treat these bows? did not notice any markings on the belly so I assume you didn't, ja?

About the yew bow, very nice work!!!
Is this Czech yew? Looks to be mostly sapwood or is color just light?

Ok, this is not much related, but what inside diameter do you prefer on warbow horn nocks?

Again, as Asier said, its very nice to have you back mate! I hope to see you around more.  :)


Offline akila

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #37 on: April 29, 2008, 10:39:04 am »
Thks a lot...i just wanted to be sure....becose i have read a fiew topics aboute this bending thru the handle D bow, and there is a lot of people who are saying that the thickness of o bow like this should be equal to the width of the bow....this means that iff a bow is 34mm wide, he should also be 34mm thickk :-\ this is why i asked you again if its in the handle or the mid limb....aniway thks a lot this realy helps me....i have an ash stave, and i did a test on it....i  put a small piece of wood in the watter...and she is all most coverd in watter.....just 2or 3mm of wood its not under think its a good wood????...the only problem is that the stave has a little propelor twist....its not verry sever...but its not straight think this should be a problem, if i want to make a 120# bow???thks a lot again... and what can i say...your bows lok gr8....i  can only hope that i can make a bow like this from ash....aniway i will give it a try..

sagitarius boemoru

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #38 on: April 29, 2008, 01:44:01 pm »
Alex, the ash bows are all heat treated, but only the 85# got really deep scorch. The yew is rather coarse, I took the sapwood down to two rings, suppose its the picture. Its also somehow flattish. (Oval)  Its what I do with any materiall which is less than perfect - I just flatten the same profile.

Akila - if you make a bow with the same width as thickness, you will have very unstable profile, unless its completelly round and that is far less the ideal solution. MR bows are between 1.1 and 1.2  (width/depth) ratio in the middle, but thanks to low width taper they are more flatter midlimb. Given the leeway BLBS gives, you can go as much as 1.6 ratio and that is quite forgiving to make.

Cut small block of your ash. Put in the water slowly. Take out. Measure the submerged part and the dry part. From that you can calculate SG. For example a a piece of SG 0.9  will have 9/10 of the block submerged.


sagitarius boemoru

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2008, 04:05:41 pm »
More of that yew 60#. (Its been taken though, the pic above is from my customer.)


Offline Asiertxu

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2008, 06:39:32 pm »
A little question about how to tiller a heavy Ash warbow Jaro...of around 100# at 32.

What do you recomend me to do , as slightly elipticall or full compass tillered bow??...

I know that elipticall tiller is bettes for flight or target shooting due to the  lesser hands-shock the bow has, and in the other hand the fully compass tillered bow sould be better to launch heavy arrows, but..... what the heck...

What is nicer to shoot in your experience Jaro???

Thanks in advance!!


//Asier from "Basque Country" Spain.

sagitarius boemoru

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #41 on: May 05, 2008, 04:53:55 am »
Well, with ash, slightly eliptical is better for cast and handshock elimination. I think. Its spongier in feel than yew or other harder woods.


Offline akila

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #42 on: May 05, 2008, 10:51:41 am »
Hi again....i started to work on my warr ash bow....its a dense piece of ash....i test it....the piece is 5,5cm long, and 5cm widh, and its all most float.... it only remain 3mm outside the watter surface so i think its a good thing right>>>?...i wanna ask you something....whatt diameter its the hall that you have made in the horn noks??? whatt diameter should have the horn  for a 120# bow???i dont want to risk , and to make it to this is why i ask you again ....thks a lot

Offline Asiertxu

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #43 on: May 05, 2008, 11:31:31 am »
Thanks Jaro!!

Then a slightly eliptical tiller is my goal right now for my first warbow out of my dense Ash wood... :) ;)...

I磍l let you know how this bow is going on!!...



PS: Akila, good luck with yours mate!!...3mm out of the water sound real good to me!!... :)...
//Asier from "Basque Country" Spain.

sagitarius boemoru

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Re: 90# + MR pattern in ash
« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2008, 11:42:32 am »
Akila  3cm out of water if your sample is 5 cm means only SG of about 0.4. Can you just calculate percentage ? Its 5 grader stuff.
The width and lenght of the sample does not matter. What matters is how much of it sinks into water and how much stays dry.

I would make the tips between 11 and 12 mm in diameter where the horn meets the wood, when making 120# and having dense ash.
