Thats good about the coffee Jawge

The limbs are within a 64th of an inch from side to side Jawge. I did that to my very first bow, i was able to fix it but almost lost the bow.
Last night I did shave a little off strong side of each limb a little to see if that would correct it and it did a little bit but I like to have the belly and back on the same plane or I am sure trouble will really start. I am gonna heat straighten it using my jig I built for puttin re flex into it and the milk jug trick you have on your site. I will toast it and let it set for 2 weeks then try it out.
I do want to thank all that has posted this info, as a young boy my grandfather would encourage me to study the old ways of making bows and arrows but due to a father who was busy providing for a family and the lack of resourses I kinda gave up and went with a wheel bow.....Look where I am at now due to guys and gals who willingly share this info. I just went outside and shot my self bow and red osier arrows for 20 minutes and was "killing" my target out to 45 yards. Who would have thought home made equipment was that accurate

Tomorrow I won't be able to hit the broad side of my barn at 20 yards

Gotta get my nursing papers and home work done. I will check in tonight after class.
Thanks again,