Yes Sir,
You can also use Shavings as Flower Bed Mulch.
Depending on the type of wood (Osage) you can make Dye or Stain.
You can Compost some types of wood, the Whites woods work best for me.
ERC makes good Garden Mulch as many bugs don't like it.
Some types of wood can be used in the bottom of Flower Pots to keep the soil up off the bottom of the pot.
Some types can (ERC, Rosewood, Others?) can be put into tight mesh bags or Cheese Cloth bags and used
in your Unmentionables drawers to make your small cloths smell nice.
And in a pinch some types of wood could be used as insulation...
Or to fire your Still.
Or used to age your Shine (Oak)...

I'm sure there are many other uses...