Author Topic: Burried gold  (Read 1542 times)

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Offline KShip85

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Burried gold
« on: March 15, 2013, 12:47:09 am »
Picked this one up off the ground while I was cutting wood two weeks ago.  It was in rough shape.  Bug damage, all sapwood and bark deteriorated, wind checks.  I decided to take the draw knife to it to see if I can find anything.  Here's what appeared.  This is my first time working with anything reclaimed like this.  I was hoping to try sinew backing it.  Is it worth it or too much of a risk to waste sinew?  There's another larger snakey one like this I am hoping yields a stave as well.  Does this need more seasoning or is the time spent already good enough.  I'm assuming this thing has been dead for awhile.  Thanks for looking.

Kip Shipley    Bloomington, IN

Offline Newindian

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Re: Burried gold
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2013, 02:31:30 am »
So long as you work past the bugs I don't see why it would need a backing. I would think it's already well seasoned probably a good idea to let it sit roughed or for a while though
I like free stuff.


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Re: Burried gold
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2013, 07:47:24 am »
Should work just fine...I'm sure its already "seasoned",but it probably isn't dry and down to proper depending on how thick you reduce it down to will depend on when its ready...if you get it down to floor tiller and start hot boxing it it'll be ready in a couple weeks or so...or if left as is it could take several + months or more to lose those last few percentage points storing it indoors at 40-50% RH.

Offline Will H

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Re: Burried gold
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2013, 09:46:17 am »
I agree with blackhawk. The only thing I would add is in my exp with down trees like that is sometimes you find bugs that come from the inside out. You chase and chase rings to get out of bugs and boom you got one on the belly. I hate that!
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