Hey y'all,
A little intro, Names Dave, haven't shot a bow in 35 years until about a month ago when my youngest expressed an interest in getting one. So a little craigslist action resulted in a Bear Cub compound for him and a Beak Kodiak II Compound for me.
Well, after perusing the web and reminiscing of the old Bear 76er I used to own, I picked my boy up a PSE Snake recurve to learn on while I went about building a board bow for me.
I found two boards at the local HD, on 2.5 by 3/4 by 7 ft and one 1.5 by 3/4 by 7ft red oak with decent grain patterns.
I had seen a lot of plans for various bows to make out of the 2.5 inch wide piece, but also had stumbled upon a set of vintage plans for an american longbow with dimensions that were applicable to the 1.5 piece, since I figured it would take less material removal for the ALB, that is what I started with.
I had most of the tools, including a 4 sided rasp, but did not have a good two handed rasp so I bought a stanley, picked up some sand paper, and said what the heck......
Started the bow on Friday night, got it on a tiller tree on Saturday, and this morning I made a bow string for it and my son and I spent about an hour in the back yard (in between the rain drops) and I shot a good 50 arrow off my new bow.
I did my roughing out with a belt sander (60 grit), as there was not a lot to take off the board to begin with. Tilling was done with the rasps and a palm sander with 80 grit on it, followed by 220 grit to smooth things out. My tilling string was a piece of bailing twine, and my testing string was made from kite line (details below)
Total out of pocket cost for this project
$9 board
$15 Stanley rasp
$5 serving string
$5 sand paper
Handle wrap was some pseudo leather string my wife had around the house in her craft stuff and a piece of high density foam I had around the house, the shooting ledge is a wooden golf tee, and temporarily, a 6 inch piece of mossy oak vinyl tape for the arrow pass.
pics below:
On the tiller tree

at 25" with a long string

Ready for serving string

Son shooting Dad's longbow

Dad's Longbow and Son's Snake - With arrows shot from 10 yards

I made the bow, string, string loops, and added the serving myself, first time, pretty proud that I didn't break it (well at least not yet).
String is 20 strands of 15lb kite string, loops are served with 30lb fly line backing material (it is what I had around the house at 6 am this morning). I did make it out to get some real serving material during the day and put that on the string for this afternoons shooting. I will pick up a 67" bowstring tomorrow and a couple brass nocs so I can have a real string, but my makeshift got me shooting today.
One thing I found out was that you don't want to shoot the long bow (with arrows that are too heavy for it - I had a couple old aluminum gamegetters) and then switch over to the boys center cut without first taking a few shots close to the target to get your head right about how the arrows are gonna fly - I bounced one off the RV gate when I did this.
Hope you like it, I'm hooked and will be making the other board into something, just not sure what yet. I sure would like a recurve, but I am thinking I need something other than red oak for that one, maybe a pyramid bow for the next one, with a center cut arrow pass.
Thanks for the teaching (I read everything I could find on building a board bow before I started)