How are you doing on the draw BillBow? Are you getting almost to 32" yet?
Looking at this photo I can see that I need to pull my right shoulder back which will give me another 2" or so.
The red mark is 26" my normal target bow draw length, so I think I am drawing about 29" here.
Anyway my coach Poseidon is happy with my progress 
What's the over all length of the arrow you're pulling? If I want to draw to 30", I use a 30" arrow. That's 30" from the valley of the nock to the base of the head. That way, I'm not over or under drawing. For me, drawing a warbow is hard enough, never mind guessing what draw length I'm at.
If you want to work up to a longer draw, make some different sized arrows 1" longer up to your final goal.