!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy! I bet you had a COLD summer!! .......
Sooooo how much are your monthly payments on her new Lexus?

Sorry, but chocolate, flowers, wine, and harlequins, just won't cut it in this case!
Hmmmm,. I wonder if her first thoughts after the smoke cleared, was...... Just how much insurance DOES he have on me?!!

Man, how much explaining did you have to do at the ER?! I am glad that all went well with her recovery, and her not exacting revenge on you.

Uh...... wait a minute did you say, ...... she wants to build one now......? Just a suggestion, you know a hunting tip,

set your stand up a couple hundred yd.s from her stand. You know, so uh, you won't uh..... spook any game that might be passing by....... you know, that way, there won't be any urge to talk, about the day before, and what the neighbors say, and what she looked at while shopping..... you know that sort of thing....... Well, ...... that is what you can tell her,

and keep a pair of binoculars handy, so you can see if she is climbing down from the stand, and low crawling in your general direction........

You know, uh...... like maybe she is stalking a dear, I mean a deer......

Oh, and check to see if the amount of coverage, and accidental death clause has increased at all.

You know..... just a suggestion.....