little skinning Knife
First knife,started last august but am finely happy with it now.
Blade is just forged stainless steel with 3/4 length tang burned into the already pre shaped handle of ash that was an off cut
of a sapling stave for a bow.Steel was left black and then an edge was put on,but will have to do a better job shaping the
edge profile,but it cuts.Blade is fixed with titebond 3 into the grip and it aint movin anywhere.
Sheath is just dog toy rawhide tanned and buffed over a wood stake to give it a sheep skin look to go with the wood colour.

This morning on the 07 march i started another bit of practice at 11am
the goal making a axe head
Made from 11mm or 7/16 steel square rod which was cut to 6 1/2 inches and then started pounding.
forced an eye through with a flat head and then expanded to be 3/4 long and just under 1/2 inch wide.
Back of the head upset a bit to make a small hammer head
finished up at 6 pm with this hatchet hopefully it will do its fare share of wood work
finish is awful,but all i wanted was something that works.
final edge to still go on it handle is a bit of scrape whit oak

Thanks for looking and ideas welcome on how to improve