You can move this if need be.
I was send a EMAIL by someone. I have no intentions of even coeming close to stuping as low as this person. So I won't say a name. But the EMAIL when like this.
I'm sick for your know it all mentatly there's no way you can have did and know all you claim to know. I think your just a word jockie and like to pile it on other peoples posts. I know you hav'nt came close to 100 bows. You seam to know a lot about bows. Matter offact I'd say theres no way you've made 100 bows. I've went back through your posts and can't find one picture of a bow.
I'm no lier never have been. If I post or post to a post it's because I use'ly have done it have some sort of exsperance with it.
My granddad taught me for a little kid up to learn about something new ,exsperance if you can. To learn something different everyday of my life. I've trived to do just that still do.
Why are people scare of anyone or anything different than there use to. When they should be learning from them or it. At a early age my family knew and told me I was going to grow up and be different. My strong opinions and straight forwandness has cost me friends, wemen,jobs But I would'nt trade a min. of my life.
I read and many reread every post no mater how mundain or something I learned about 30 or 40 years ago.
Sorry if I rubbed anyone the wrong way it was'nt entended.
I think you get the idea. So I went to the trouble to go out and take a few pic.s of some old bows, bows Im useing and shooting now .bows in the makeings and even a few going to be bows.
To start out with here's the first SELFBOW I made and hunted with. My first 2 were BL SINEWED.
THIS IS A 64"65#@26" OSAGE
Tiller looks a little off by hey it was made almost 23 years ago and shot couple 100,000 times.
The second pic. is of 4 or 5 th bow also a OSAGE.
Two of my perasonal bows.
A 62"55#@26 OSAGE
Under it is a 58"55#@26 HICKORY
The unstrung bow is a 64"50#@29 SLIPPY ELM
Next is a OSAGE bow for my youngest son. It's going to be 58"25#@24
Next is 2 bend in the handle osage bows for people.
Aosage with rawhide, A HICKORY and a PERSONAL SASSAFRAS BOW.
Next is from left to right.
couple bend in the handle bows couple HICKORY BOWS and a VINE MAPLE stave I got from ELK TRACKER a couple summers ago.
It's going to be 56"55#@26
Maining a gobbler bow since I shoot off my butt gobbler hunting.
Here a few unfinished and finished personal bows I did'nt even try to get out of that mess.