Check out your local Ag center, and ask them if there are any apiaries, Bee keepers, and if they sell the wax. You can get the wax on line . I get it here, from a bee keeper, who sells the honey, and the wax, in one pound hexagon blocks, and smaller bars. You can usually get it at the State Fair, where they have a bee keeper, or honey exhibition. They usually sell the wax in little bars. Oh yeah, wait till the vegi poop is dry.
The wax keeps the pitch from getting too brittle, and the poop, etc. acts as a binder. Not sure what the charcoal does.
, except for color. I am sure it acts somewhat as a binder also. You could mix in some red Ocher, and have a mojo power point.
You can get pure beeswax candles also. Yeah, it is something that seems to never die, wanting to shoot an arrow up in the air. I used to like shoot them up in the air, and as they are coming back down, I would stand close to where the arrow was going to impact, and listen to the cool, Holly Wood sound the arrow's fletching would make as it is going through the air. But then when I became able to shoot more powerful bows, I had to stop, because the arrow would go out of sight, and it was somewhat exciting, in deciding which way, and how far to run. So my one brain cell would light up, and send an urgent message, to not shoot up in the air any more. Bad mojo's were detected!
Good luck with the pitch glue, and your next arrow. Go look for the lost arrow, and redo it, and improve it. If it shot well, keep that shaft!