Well, I've done what I'm going to do for the day, might be done all together. There still might be some wood there but I managed to tweak my back on the last log I loaded and am not sure I'll feel like doing anymore tomorrow. Here's the final haul, mostly Osage with a couple walnut logs, a hackberry and a nice large black locust. It feels good to have a stockpile of the king

The second truck load

Half of a lovely black locust log that is around 7' long with little to no twist. Still a bear to split with just my two mauls.
Here's the final outcome.

Here are some staves that might end up being sent to some of you crazies who are far more talented than I

The two on the right I picked up out of the mud. They are long dead, wind checked and full of bug damage...any takers?

Overall a good day of wood gathering and my favorite way to get in a good work out.