Hey again,
I haven't been posting much on here for sompleted work so I thought it was time to show a little.
I finished this back in Nov.
65" NTN with 8" handle section with Jute handle wrap.
2" wide at fades to 1.5 at mid limb to 1/2" nocks.
I had a small crack at the handle from a happy hatchet, so I wrapped it with rawhide and I was concerned about a section on the upper limb so did the same to that tip area.
Built up the nocks with buffalow sinew; might be a little overkill but It was the first unbacked bow so I was a little tense

Came out at 48# at 28" and I haven't put an arrow through it yet; I know I should but my target is under snow so I just keep doing thing in doors (sinew....)
This was my 7th bow and evben though it took about 2.5" set, I think it is a keeper.
Thanks for looking folks.
Marco DuBois