Author Topic: What are your thoughts on this?  (Read 2332 times)

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Offline hatcha

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What are your thoughts on this?
« on: February 27, 2013, 05:15:35 pm »
I must admit, I was initially outraged when I first read about this, then as I read more and more (with the help of a friend in Chicago) it changed to shock and confusion...

I'm just wondering what you guys think of this?

Now, it appears to stem from a single person eating in a shelter a few years back who "complained" when he discovered he was being served venison.

All the "politically correct health and safety" bullshit aside - They claim the meat is a health risk to the homeless and patrons of restaurants etc., yet they allow hunters to feed themselves and their families with the meat.

It boggles my mind!!

Offline Fred Arnold

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Re: What are your thoughts on this?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2013, 05:29:33 pm »
I've never seen the article prior to today. For a government run agency it sounds atypical!!!  ::)
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Offline TRACY

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Re: What are your thoughts on this?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2013, 06:33:51 pm »
I believe it violates another state law of "wanton waste" to discard a healthy, disease free renewable resource. I would call a local game warden to report the shelter operators for wanton waste.

I use to conduct large scale whitetail removals in urban areas and one of the stipulations was that area processors would package ground venison for distribution to those in need in the metro area or surrounding communities. You couldn't harvest enough to supply those in need! We never had any USDA protocols to follow.

What a real shame and injustice to those families and individuals in need!

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Offline Matt G.

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Re: What are your thoughts on this?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 08:09:58 pm »
Ohio has a Hunters against hunger program where you can donate your venison to the hungry. Just drop it off at a processor and say you want to donate it to the program. I guess the buracrates would rather they eat koby beef.
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Offline bubby

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Re: What are your thoughts on this?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2013, 08:19:16 pm »
guy couldn't have been to hungry if he's bitchin' about the food, this is the problem when you just give people thing's and don't make them EARN it, they don't feel that your doing them a favor, but that they have this sense of entitlement
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Offline Slackbunny

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Re: What are your thoughts on this?
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2013, 10:14:38 pm »
guy couldn't have been to hungry if he's bitchin' about the food, this is the problem when you just give people thing's and don't make them EARN it, they don't feel that your doing them a favor, but that they have this sense of entitlement

True. Its a shame that a small portion of the people have to ruin it for those who were truly grateful.

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: What are your thoughts on this?
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2013, 10:45:57 pm »
In a state with an incredibly rich tradition of wild game, where it is considered MAINSTREAM, I can't believe there is a law on the books against it.  But then, Louisiana has also a very rich tradition of crooked government and business corrupting the legal system that I'd be willing to bet a beef processor put this one on the books!

I hope the people of Louisiana give those lawmakers a hotsauce enema and straighten them out.*

*The prior post was re-edited, I was gonna say, "Choot 'em, choot 'em in da haid!"
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Offline hatcha

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Re: What are your thoughts on this?
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2013, 05:23:28 pm »
But then, Louisiana has also a very rich tradition of crooked government and business corrupting the legal system

A friend of mine in Illinois mentioned Louisiana's corruption runs deep enough to contend with Chicago's.

He found something about it being destroyed because it wasn't prepared by a union-sanctioned plant/workers.

I never saved it and don't know where he found it so it's only more speculation, I s'pose.

Offline Josh B

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Re: What are your thoughts on this?
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2013, 06:00:21 pm »
After reading that story, I've been resisting the overwhelming urge to get out of my truck, throw myself down in the snow and throw and a temper tantrum that would make a two year old stop and take notes!  Complete with a verbal barrage that would make all the other truckers blush with shame!  But instead, I will just sit here, simmer, and agree with Bubby.  Sometimes, you just can't help people that won't help themselves.  Which is not the same thing as people who CAN'T help themselves.  Unfortunately, the latter group is the group who suffers the most from the stupidity of the former group.  Josh

Offline Marks

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Re: What are your thoughts on this?
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2013, 11:08:11 am »
They need to put up a sign that tells what the meat is and keep on serving it. If you are well off to refuse free food then you don't need it. If I had to rely on a place like that to survive Id eat it even if the sign said Labrador Retriever. Venison is a higher quality meat than beef in my opinion. I don't understand why people condone killing cows and chickens but killing deer is cruel and even still abortion is acceptable. I'm not trying to start an pro or anti conversation. I'm just saying how can your logic tell you that one of those first 2 is wrong but they aren't all wrong. It doesn't add up.

Offline Pappy

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Re: What are your thoughts on this?
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2013, 11:27:49 am »
Keep it cool boys,I think I know where this is headed,lets don't go there.  ;) :)
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