go driving through some of the low lying subdivision. there is quite a bit of it in some of the older neighborhoods, and the tree services are frequently cutting it down. i'll second the idea of talking to the tree services. probnlem with them is some of them don't want to mess with holding wood for craftsmen. don't discount the local black locust or the occasional straight growth mulberry, either. i get mine from the landowner that lets me hunt deer over around rushville. he's been clearing his lowlands and often just piles it up and burns it (GROAN, DISPAIR). his neighbor had a 40 acre thicket of the stuff cleared and burn last fall (OH, THE INHUMANITY) sadly ther was no time to contact anyone to see if a salvage operation could be organized. by the way, i've got some osage that i salvaged off my landowner friend's brushpiles, and i'm on the westside of indy, so if you'd like to do a face to face trade or some thing like that, e-mail me. oh yeah. the staves are a little short, at 52 and 54 inches, but with rawhide or sinew, or add syahs, they will probably reach 28" draw