Author Topic: Yew and the hot box  (Read 2554 times)

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Offline dmenzies1950

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Re: Yew and the hot box
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2013, 12:00:52 am »
DarkSoul, You never offended me in the slightest! I appreciate your input. The truth is, I often do just as you suggested,(rough out the bow and let it dry upstairs for a few weeks). It's just that I'm almost giddy finally getting some yew, and don't relish the idea of waiting any longer than I have to. My comment about being old was a slight exaggeration. Let's just say I'm old enough to get  Social Security.

Thanks, Dale     
"His bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber, because of the hand of the Mighty One, the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel." Genesis 49:24