I needed to cut some osage for the classic and today seemed like the perfect day, low 50's and sunny. It has been 2 years since the last time I cut any. I picked out a leaning tree that had a few straight areas in it. I got 3 logs, a billet length piece, and two nice looking limbs. On a couple of pieces I can see a wavy pattern to the bark so I hope the grain of the wood is the same. I also looked around and cut some small but ancient looking trees. They are hard as a rock and have the dark color to them. I think the trees died a long time ago and they have just been aging gracefully. I'm trying to study the trees to learn what the wood is going to be like inside.

I don't know if you can see the wavy bark pattern in this picture. Sometimes things just don't show up in a photo.

The two pieces on the left are the old trees. The one has rings like Yew.

After I got all those cut and sealed my Dad came home and helped me drag them out with his utility truck. Everything went so easy and quick that we decided to cut one more log out of a tree that fell across one of our trails. We looked it over and decided to undercut it so it wouldn't pinch the saw. We misread the tree and quickly had the saw stuck. It took us an hour and a half to get that thing loose. I think we were on plan D by the time we got it out. After that we cut that one section free and headed for the house.
I'm not sure a 14" homelite is intended to cut some of the things I tackle with it. Maybe next year Santa will bring me a bigger saw.

Dad let me store them in his garage for the next couple of months.