Just finished my second bow of the year. Self Yew ELB for a lefthander 48# @26"
It has a nice reflex kick in the lower limb and a bit of lateral waggle there too so it's an ELB with some real character.
I've done another 'primitive archer' sculpture for an exhibition, this time in copper, he's a bit chunkier than the wooden one, what he's lost in looseness and freedom he's gained in power and gravitas.
I particularly like his shoulderblades which pinch together just like they do at full draw.
Particular care was taken with the bow and hand positioning. It all lines up correctly with the right distance from hand to bow tips matching the two bow positions. The arrow was originally made from a bit of brass, but just didn't look right, so I hammered som copper to get it straight and hard with a bit of a point at the end... much better.
That's a slice of Yew he's standing on of course

, held down with copper nails.
The copper is from some big old central heating pipe which came out in the Summer when I fitted a new boiler. Much thicker than the new stuff
