Well here is pretty close to where I started out with this stave. I know it might be hard to tell with this picture, since both limbs have already been a bit deflexed from being worked, but the right limb in this picture started out with a slight deflexed spot around midlimb:

Now there are two ways to deal with that in my book. You can do the smart thing, and heat it out to match the other limb. Or you can do the lazy, and aggravating thing, and just go with it, like I have did here. If you do just go with it, the deflex is going to need to be thicker and have more material than the rest of the bow. If you don't leave more material in the deflex, you will soon end up with a huge hinge. So when roughing out the profile, it is best to remember this early on instead of having to deal with it later. The deflexed limb will be my bottom limb, for a couple reasons. The first, is that the snakey part is cool, so I want it to be on the top,

. The second is that the deflexed limb of a bow will almost always be stronger I have noticed, even if the bow is tillered evenly. I was going to go with a positive tiller on this bow, like I did that last, but it just was "positively" driving me nuts looking at a longbow with an uneven brace profile.
Here is what I was going with at first:

...and I just couldn't live with it. Had to fix it:

So far the bow is tillered out to fulldraw, 28", 30", which ever one of those it is going to be. I did this completely using the mirror. I will pull it by stepping on the string, and also by turning the mirror upright and drawing it. And ya, this is gonna be a pretty sacrilegious longbow,

. Especially since, after piking it more times than I should of, I ended up at 62 1/2" NTN! I figure, screw it now. Why not flip the tips too? So, after shooting it in, I guess that is my next step before putting on the horn nocks. Right now it is sanded to 120, all the tool marks are out.
Heres a couple current fulldraws (well, 28" anyway.)

I am pretty happy with the tiller. I am figuring I will just stick with it as long as it doesn't change when I am shooting it in. It is pulling around 47# @ 28", so I guess it will probably end up around 45# @ 28", or maybe 50# @ 30". I can't decide yet if I want to flip the tips, or not. I got some perfect forms for it, that would just flip a couple inches slightly, but I am lazy, and it is looking like a bow right now. I'll probably make up my mind tonight, and if I want to, I will steam and flip them tonight. It is a rather short bow for a 30" draw, so I was thinking that it would at least help out stack.