OK, I'm working on tillering my 2nd sinew back bow. My first was a real flinger... at first.

After awhile it just stopped shooting as hard. It was about 56" I guess. I'm requiring my brain to recall 7 years ago or more. It doesn't work that well.

Anyway, I figured the sinew just didn't get worked that well during birth. Then it finally settled in and went below hunting weight. Some neighborhood kid has it now along with my quiver made from my first deer full of arrows. Anyway, the bow I'm working on now has, I think, four courses of sinew. It's 51" ntn and I'm confused as heck as how the tiller should look.

My main question is how far from the tips should I keep stiff? I'm pulling the bow on my tree around 25-30 times before I check the tiller. I'm hoping that works the bow sufficiently to show the true effects of the tiller. If anyone has a good picture of a short bow with proper (or proper enough) tiller that would be appreciated. I'm intent on this bow working as intended. 235 fps, 45-50#@26", heat seeking arrows, you know, working as intended.
