Carson that one log was given by an old timer that was going to make a bow many years ago. He Told my wife that he had an eight foot long yew log about 12" diam. Yes I did call imediately. whe I got there my jaw dropped right before my heart sank. It had been sitting outside along his driveway for many years. No bark and badly weather checked. It was stove pipe straight and from a very old tree. There is some clean wood on the inside but the checkes are very deep. Saving for some boo backed or sinew backed bows. The sapling in the Stave Master is a natural reflex. Right at 5 inches.
Clint. Yes there is an osage there but the two that I got from you are in the shop. In fact I have been carefully examining the one with the peep hole

Little bit of this and that up there in the loft. Still have a few piles here and there stashed away but we have been trying to get everything put up and organized, as Lulyn is tired of the "piles of stupid sticks".

And then there is the pile of "stupid rocks" LOL