Thanks guys!!!
Lol Steve just a few more years of training

Thanks Arrowind, it's fun to make these simple bows. I find more joy in shooting them then the bows i actually spend alotta time finishing. I guess i feel that they are built more for the purpose of shooting then to look at......idk

Thanks Tracy! Yeah theres some insane wrestlers out there. Like that Dustin Carter kid who wrestles without any arms or legs and made 3rd in regionals. Mad respect for those guys. Both wrestling and bowmaking are hard work and really teach ya alot!
Thanks Sidewinder, idk about the others but i like to have alotta insurance when i make a bow as far as weight is concerned. Pretty much, i'd like to know that a bow i make could kill a variety of things, like say if a bear snuck up behind me i could hope to kill it LOL. Plus, i like working with weights

Thanks for the friendly comments guys!