So with wrestling going on i've been too tired to do anything much, thankfully this weekend i finally have time to shoot! I finished this simple bow a while back but never posted it. Today i shot it for the first time in a while and it shoots great. I don't have any kind of finish on it and it's just lightly sanded. The original branch had some pretty bad side-warpage so i tried to bring the limbs in line but unfortunately after a certain point it didn't wanna go any further and the limbs started cracking, so i tried to change it in the handle and then the handle started cracking

(that's why i wrapped it in thread.) So the string favors my shooting side by like a half inch, but it still shoots good.
The last few days of practice have been seriously intense so my muscles aren't up to what they usually are, so i'm under-drawing the bow about 2 inches. (I put the black tape on the arrow as a reference.)
It's somewhere around 58" ntn, 75/80# @ 23."