Hey all. Well I finally got started on my first bow. It's one of the stave's of white oak that Don Burchett generously gave me. I got it debarked down to a thin layer of cambium (I was nervous the whole time so it took awhile) and layed out my bow. I went with the dimensions on page 135 of TBB vol. 1. I went with this because this stave has two small knots at one end, and with this lay out carrying the width out so far, it will go past one of the knots. The second knot is about 6" from the tip. Both knots are on the same limb. I started reducing it down to let it dry out some and I left the limb wider around the second knot. This thing already looks bad a$$, and I know that if I don't mess it up it will be a cool looking bow with those knots. At least it would be if most of you got ahold of it.
Now for the questions. First of all, what is the best way to remove the rest of the cambium? It is a winter cut stave so it's on there pretty good. I was thinking of trying to steam it for awhile and see what happens, but would like to hear from you guys and see if there's good way to get it off.
Next, where can I find some info on dealing with the knots. I remember seeing something about it but I can't find were it was I was looking. I did remember to leave an "island" around the knots and I haven't really touched them much. And maybe I should just set this stave aside for awhile and get some hands on first. I do have enough of this oak for a couple more bows (thanks again Don).
And is the second knot too close to the tip? I'm already attached to this bow and haven't even done anything yet. Not sure how I'll take my first bow breaking.

I left the tips real wide in case I need to do something different. What do you all think?
I'm working on getting you some pics but none of our cameras survived the move. Sorry, I'm sure it would help.
Any input you guys have would be great.