I've used too many woods to count and list.
All tied for second place for me in alphabetical order is :
Black locust...extremely bend resistant and results in a very snappy casting bow...beautiful wood to boot
European buckthorn...makes a near osage dimension bow...the best second string bow wood in compression...tough wood but a joy to work with hand tools...love the color and character
Eastern hophornbeam ...it has a smooth flexibility and elasticity to its draw with excellent cast
Yew.....enough said

I've only made one flowering dogwood,so since only using it once it doesn't make the top five list,but it made an excellent bow...and its qualities were dead even and the same as hophornbeam.
A good elm stave is a joy to work with hand tools wise,and can result in a light in the hand great casting bow if done right.
If I didn't have to back juniper id put it up there in my top five,but that being said a sinewed back juniper can be a thing of beauty.
I know I come off as an osage snob,but I'm really not and I do enjoy working any kind of wood...just depends on my mood

heck I still like to try woods no one else ever has just for the fun of it cus I LOVE BUILDING BOWS...<---------thats a big period....lol