I have to admit it's been a while (no arrogance intended), but I made firewood today. I was tillering out a new warbow. Hickory back, yew core, ipe belly. 74" NTN. 1 1/4" wide at the center, 1 1/8" deep, tapering evenly to 1/2" nocks. I had it tillered to 125#@29". I only intended it to be tillered to 30", and I was looking for 120-130#. It had <1" of set.
I asked my wife to come and snap a few pics at full draw. I exercised it well, pulling it multiple times to 120#, no problems. To get a full draw pic, I had to hold it for 3-4 seconds to give my wife enough time to center the shot and let the camera focus. Catastrophic failure. After autopsy, I could see it blew a tip off. Top tip. I've been making my tips lighter over the years to improve cast and reduce handshock, but I definitely went too far and didn't leave enough meat on these.
Looking at the full draw, I can see the left limb (would have been bottom limb) is a bit stiff especially in the outer third. I would definitely have fixed this had it survived.
First pic: full brace
Second pic: 125#@29"
Third pic: my wife caught it just after it exploded. You can see flying chunks!
Rest of the pics: autopsy
Without the bitter, there is no sweet.