Well here's a sad story, but one with a happy ending I believe.

I sent my trade bow out last week. I was at the Expedition when I yelled towards the house and asked polite as can be for my bride to bring out the bow in the library with the black bow sock wrapped around it so I could ship it out. She being such a wonderful lady done me the favor. I shipped the bow along with a few items inside to a fellow in Texas. Well I was at Twin Oaks last weekend and I pulled another bow out to shot our practice range and almost had a heart attack when I seen the bow I was to send in the bow trade come making it's way outa that black bow sock. I forgot I had two black bow socks. So I ponder for a moment and I call quick like to the fellow I was doing the trade with and he chuckled at me because he had a very fine bow Will had made me sitting in his living room in ole Texas! I offered up my apologizes's and he said no problem and he'd send me ole Will's bow back to Tennessee and I'd send him the one I made back in return. I plan to send the one I made for him this week.

I guess the moral of the story is always make sure you s3end the right item to the right person, when going to the Post Office.
I told the guys at Twin Oaks my mistake and they all had a good laugh at my expense, that was justly due of course. I for sure made a mistake, but I believe it will all work out in the end.