Well I came home and my wife said that a tube was here for me (in her most bored voice). And sure enough
this was on the dinner table.

So it take me 10 minutes to get the tape off the cap and I try and pull it off no luck. So I try and twist it off no luck. I look on the end and in very faint writing I see glued on. I flip the tube over and sure enough in even fainter word I read open here.
So 10 minutes of fighting with tape and a twist of the cap I find me a new bendy handle bow.
Here is a teaser Pic until i get more.

I get home after dark this time of year and the weather is AWESOME sleet, freezing rain. But I grab 2 carbon arrows and shot 2 arrows at my target in the dark it shoots very well.
I hope my arrows I hunt with shoot out of it ok so I can take it into the woods this year.
I will get more pics up later.
Thanks so much Brian, Pearl blackhawk and any others who put this together. I know the work it takes and am greatful for those willing to put a trade/swap together.
one happy bowyer,