Well I got home last nite and found a white tube on my porch.

so since i was running late i put it in the house and ran out to feed horses knowing that i would be able to unwrap it when i was done. So frantically feeding horses had 1 horse tank to fill. OK all done with that head for house to check out my new bow.

As im opening the tube it starts to rain.....

so i open tube and pull out the bow and its a beautiful Osage bow from Hedgeapple 55'' ttt and draws 54# at 26'' Perfect.

So here i am new bow and it is still raining and its starting to get dark.

So i string it up and grab a few heavy arras and set them by the shop door. dinner time. so as i get ready to grub the rain slows down to almost nothing.

food in fridge bow in hand and lites on at the range im headed out the door to shoot my new bow as my wife just looks at me and shakes her head. LOL shot about 15 arras and the sky opened up. But i got to shoot my bow.

Hedge. What a wonderful Bow Thank you. Love everything about it. Shoots fast and hard and hits where i look. And that has to be the straightest piece of bodark i have ever seen and thick rings. Thanks Bro. will get some pics up as soon as i get a chance. Thanks Hedge you made my Day and i hope to return the favor in the future

. Thanks again to all the peeps running this trade Its been another fun one.