I came home tuesday to find a long box, I was as excited as a kid at christmas to see what was inside. it was wrapped in bubble wrap like a coccoon and as I peeled the layers off I saw yella wood, there were skinny little tips with cocobolo overlays, as I skinned the wrappings like a river otter, it exposed a wonderfully crafted bow, on the bow was the name blackhawk, it was a character stave with the bottom limb curving to one side, I strung it up and noticed that the string diceted the handle perfectly, I still wondered if the limb would cause the bow to torque when being drawn and shot, but the bow is smooth and accurate with good speed. special thanks to blackhawk for taking the time to build such a great bow it is much appreciated. excellent craftsmanship. I am planning on shooting this bow this weekend as I am going to take it as a backup bow for hunting this year, maybe wind up being my primary deer bow, I have a obsidian tip that billy made me so maybe the karma will aid my hunt. thanks again blackhawk