Wow !!! Have you ever picked up a bow for the first time, grabbed a batch of arrows, sent them on there way only to see about as a perfect group as you are capable of producing???
I got home today and found a tube on the porch. It had address from Ontario Canada!!!! I opened the tube that actually came with instructions “open here and slide off over tips” … got the open here part but slide??? NOT, this thing was wrapped like a mummy!!! Once I was successful I saw a sweet Red Elm bow…. Tips so refined they could double as spearheads and a fitted grip with a leather wrap that was done perfectly. The string looks to be fast flight with fur?? Silencers. The string quality is excellent and looks like it will last a very long time. The limbs were trapped and the handle shows the rich caramel center of the elm heart.
Now the best part and this is not an exaggeration……. This bow for me is about as accurate and repeatable a bow as I have ever shot. It has a mellow feel but sends an arrow with plenty of speed, no shock, whisper quiet and a rare ability to eat arrows in a fairly wide spine range!!! This is a very unusual thing for me and selfbows. Normally I need to play around a bit to find that spine sweet spot but this is not the case here.
I have a half dozen Red Elm staves in the shop and this bow has me excited about the prospect of what might be produced though this will be hard to compete with.
We have some quality bowyers here on PA and I feel extremely fortunate that Jeremy Loranger, who by the way lives on Kipps lane, drew my name for the trade…. I'll post a shooter video when the weather and time permit…..
Jeremy Thank You so much for the thought and craftsman ship you put into this bow. I will hunt this one for sure!!!!