The second bow is light heat treated and came out with 89#/28". This bow had a drawweight of over 120# - no way for me old man, so I worked her down. One limb was deflex 1", the other twisted 30°, all heated out . I removed about 10mm sap to come down and get the heartwood all over the bow length. Front profile was perfectly straight. Cross section is flat D, a bit narrowed handle. Two inches of reflex (induced till heat treating and correcting) got lost during tillering and shooting in. Unbraced pic shows bow immediately after unstringing, after resting she is dead straight.
Buffalo horn nocks, upper with two grooves. Arrow pass is mother of pearl. 10 strand string of 425X.
74" ntn
5,5" braceheight
724 grams mass
29/35 w/d handle
33/21 midlimb
11/16 tip